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Quick guide
If all this seems too long to deal with, then you can use one of the namelists
already provided with the package:
- hybht.naml for converting fields from Lokal Modell vertical
hybrid coordinate system to Vis5d height system
- hybhyb.naml for viewing Lokal Modell hybrid
vertical coordinate surfaces directly into Vis5d
- sigmaht.naml for converting fields in sigma vertical
coordinate system to Vis5d height system
- etaht.naml for converting fields from Mesinger-Eta vertical
coordinate system to Vis5d height system
- prespres.naml for viewing generic pressure coordinate
data directly into Vis5d
- prespresec.naml for viewing ECMWF pressure coordinate
data directly into Vis5d
- complete.naml is a version of hybht.naml which, in
addition, explicitly contains all the variables that do not need to be
changed from their default value for a standard use
- lmsound.naml is a version which, in addition, produces
additional files for vertical sounding emulation. File are ASCII formatted
with vertical profiles at specified coordinates.
For Lokal Modell hybht.naml should be the best one, so copy it to
another file named v5d.naml, edit this file in the following way:
- insert into tabfth vector the list of forecast times (in
hours) expected in the grib file
- set the character variable inname to the name of the grib
input file available
- set the character variable outname to the name of the vis5d
output file desired
and execute grib2v5d. After some time and many lines of
information from the program you should get your Vis5d data in the output
file previously specified.
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Up: GRIB2V5D USER'S GUIDE Converting
Previous: Discussion about vertical levels